Educational Institutions

We are preparing and assisting in sourcing to 100+ logos in India

When your Educational Institution is registered, you’ll gain access to a range of valuable services and support. Let’s explore what your institute will be entitled to:

Remember, our goal is to empower your educational institution and enhance the student experience. Welcome aboard!

FAQ's for Educational Institutions

I am a College can I enroll my entire Institute for Placement Drive?

It depends if we have vacate seats in your region. We only onboard 3000 students per region in a session. 

Do you onboard all type of Colleges?

Unfortunately, we don't onboard all type colleges at present. Currently we are only onboarding regular colleges, medical colleges, technical colleges, management colleges, hotel and hospitality colleges who are associated/affiliated with recognized universities.  

Do you charge any fee from the college to organize the placement drive?

Yes, we charge a nominal fee to help you organize placement drive. In this drive we take responsibility of organize the drive which includes fooding, lodging and travel plans of Company HR.

My college is located in a remote area would you be able to organize the Campus Placement Drive?

If you are in India, then yes. you can see us where you need us. We charge a nominal fee to help you organize placement drive. In this drive we take responsibility of organize the drive which includes fooding, lodging and travel plans of Company HR

What is re-location services?

Relocation Services for Placed Students: Making Your Transition SmoothWhen students secure a placement, our relocation services kick in to ensure a hassle-free transition. Here’s how we assist:

Pickup and Travel Arrangements:

Accommodation and Food:

Settling In: